Shooting for light, bright and bold

Shooting for light, bright and bold

An online course that contains 25 jam-packed lessons to answer the most popular question I’ve received since the very start of my business: "how do I take photos that look like that?" 

(with a fast workflow that gives your LIFE back)

I want to shoot like a pro!



From my camera settings, equipment and shooting secrets to my lighting techniques, focusing and location tips all the way through my entire post-processing and editing workflow... this course uncovers all of my secrets to creating beautiful images...including my very own preset! 

If you are a beginner photographer than wants to master their camera in manual and nail consistent edits...this course was created just for you.


Maybe you feel like...

Maybe you feel like...

You KNOW what you want your images to look like, but you just can’t achieve it

You leave your sessions feeling frustrated instead of EXCITED about the work you created 

You want images that are light, bright and bold but they just feel overexposed with wonky skin tones

Your post processing workflow is taking over your LIFE 

You don’t understand your camera in manual 

You can’t find the right LIGHT at your sessions 

It is taking you HOURS to cull and edit your sessions (so you don’t have time for anything else!)

You are stuck in a rut and feel burnt out trying to create work you love

You feel anxious and nervous about whether you’ll be able to capture images your clients will love 

this is totally me!

It's 100% risk free with my 30-day money back guarantee.

need the proof?

Check out these before and afters of my own work...





"Run!! Don't walk to purchase this course!!! I can't even begin to describe how beneficial this course WAS TO ME!"

- Christy of christy henderson photography 

 "I feel much more confident about looking for and finding good light. I feel more confident in editing and excited to show my clients the back of my camera because my images now are nearly perfect!”

“Hope is really great at breaking everything down into tangible, practical information; she packs A LOT into this course, and I know I’ve already benefited greatly from it!!”

“Because of taking this course, I leave my sessions and think “how will I choose my favorite?” Rather than “I hope there’s enough that I like!”

I’m no longer anxious before sessions, frantically scrolling to find inspiration and hoping that one session will turn out as good as the last one.”

"Since completing the course, I feel excited and confident. I LOVE your workflow with downloading, editing, and delivering images, I can't wait to adapt that to what I currently do." 

"This course was pure GOLD for me. It was beneficial to go over the information and see how Hope implements things in her work. It was so helpful to see her do shoots in real time!

and Check out these before and afters of some of the student's work...




A jam-packed online course teaching you how to create images with my signature light, bright and bold style


your all-in-one resource...

The first module of this course breaks down the basics of shooting and mastering your images in camera by understanding your camera settings. I breakdown what it means to find your photography “style” and the most important pieces to achieve consistent work your clients love.

Anything and everything you need to know about shooting, camera settings, focusing for tack sharp images, the exposure triangle, white balance for perfect skin tones and how exactly to shoot to achieve light, bright and bold images. This module contains a full, uncut engagement session walking through my camera settings and thought process behind my shooting style.

Here's What I'll Teach You:



Welcome & Shooting Basics


This lesson is the most jam-packed within the course. It is a complete, uncut, uncensored walkthrough of my ENTIRE post-processing workflow. Culling, importing, editing, exporting, sizing for social media, gallery delivery, storage, backup and more. It includes my VERY OWN preset that I created in my first year of business and have NEVER shared before to achieve perfect light, bright and bold images.



I regularly get asked how I edit and shoot my images...but the best question to be asking is “how do you LIGHT your images?” The way that I utilize natural light is what makes or breaks my work - and this module breaks it all down! How to recognize where the best light is at your sessions, utilizing natural reflectors, getting my signature “glow” and how to set your settings accordingly. It contains an uncut senior session where I troubleshoot multiple lighting situations AND a bonus video on how to shoot beautifully in direct, midday sunlight!




Module One

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Module Three

Module Two

welcome & shooting basics

Intro & welcome to the Course

enroll NOW

The Missing Puzzle Piece

enroll NOW

The Value of Speed

enroll NOW

Shooting > Editing

enroll NOW

Finding Your "Style"

enroll now

Module Four

Module One

The Equipment & Basics

enroll NOW

Focus + Tack Sharp Images

enroll NOW

Setting for Light & Bright

enroll NOW

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Module Three

Module Two

the shooting breakdown

The Exposure Triangle

enroll NOW

White Balance & Skin Tones

enroll now

Module Four

Live Shooting with Couple

enroll NOW

Module One

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Module Three

Module Two

natural light

Module Four

Finding the light

enroll NOW

using a real reflector

enroll NOW

real time light troubleshooting

enroll NOW

natural reflectors

enroll NOW

Getting the "Glow"

enroll now

tackling Direct sunlight

enroll NOW

Module One

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Module Three

Module Two

Module Four

Maximixing Efficiency in editing

Uploading & Culling Images

enroll NOW

Editing in Lightroom Part 2

enroll NOW

Blogging & Social Media Sharing

enroll NOW

Editing in Lightroom Part 1

enroll NOW

Editing in Photoshop

enroll now

Gallery Delivery

enroll NOW

Watch me Edit in Real Time

enroll NOW

Backing Up Images

enroll NOW

One of the BEST parts of purchasing The Photography Course - you get access to my "base" desktop preset! 1 of the 5 presets included in my preset bundle - FREE inside this course!  

In addition to all of the amazing course content, you will receive additional bonuses to help you grow your business and apply the information you learned:

The 40 page workbook to guide you through this online course and help you apply the information you’ve learned! 

Now that you’ve learned my entire editing workflow to help you save time, I want to give you my client booking workflow to help you save even more. This video breaks down how I accept payments, contracts and bookings online and how I manage all of my clients in one place.

Once you’ve mastered your post processing workflow and editing style, it may become time to outsource. This video breaks down how you know when you’re ready, and what your next steps should be.

My workflow for creating a slideshow of images on the DAY-OF the wedding to surprise my bride and groom (because you can do it, too!)

Remember that video within the course where I shoot in midday sun? I’m going to show you a walkthrough of editing those images to keep them consistent with your light, bright and bold style - even in a tricky lighting situation. 

A breakdown of my must-have programs and tools within my business to save time and maximize my strategy. 

Have a destination wedding or portrait session? This checklist breaks down exactly what you need to pack and what luggage I use to do it safely.

After purchasing the course, you will have instant access to the online community of other students. This community is known as being one of the most incredible online communities around! 

Hey, Photographer!

Did someone say bonuses?!

The Hope Taylor "Base" Preset

The Course Workbook

My Client Workflow

The Value of Outsourcing

Same-Day Slideshow Workflow

Editing Mid-Day Images

My Must-Have Programs

Packing for Travel Checklist

Online Community

A comprehensive walkthrough of my entire shooting and post processing workflow

How does this sound?

Videos of me shooting AND editing images in multiple lighting situations



Here's what you can expect when you enroll:

The golden nugget of the entire course: My "BASE" Lightroom Preset! 


An engaged, excited online community to help provide continued support (and celebrate wins!)


Technical tutorials, bonus videos, screen recordings & PDFs to help you through any possible roadblock.


I'm ready to sign up!

straight from the source

"I have completed many great educational programs from some well known photographers and I have to say Hope Taylor's course exceeds them all. she is quick to explain and super easy to grasp and understand."

"I decided to invest in a DSLR when I became a second time mom. I felt like I could capture our family memories in the lulls of getting professionals portraits done. I had to learn the hard way. Trial and error with manual and learning to use RAW files instead of JPEGs to be able to have more control editing. My photography has been so inconsistent, and I still relied on auto setting a lot (like shooting in aperture priority mode) or using auto white balance. I struggled with color cast during my sessions, that wasn't immediately visible in camera, and I struggled with consistency because of poor lighting choices.

When I first started to take photography as a business seriously, I reached out to a well known photographer to ask their advice and get some constructive criticism. I was completely self taught, and still a BEGINNER. That photographer blew me off completely, and then made a cryptic facebook post about being classically trained (because they went to Art School), and how these new "photographers" were ruining the business. I was heartbroken. I picked up the pieces and continued my journey, making so many mistakes along the way, and celebrating victories too. 

IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT HARD! This course is the tool I wish I had access to when I first started out. It was so good that I literally binged it overnight. I mean, NETFLIX and CHILL style! Hope literally shares her entire photography workflow from booking clients to the session to her culling and editing (+PRESET)! The first session I did after seeing her lesson on shooting in harsh light was such a win! I'm not afraid to shoot at times other than Golden Hour. Not only that, implementing her tricks were the smartest things I have ever done and the best advice Hope has even given me. I never even knew I was able to achieve the images I am delivering to my clients. I can't wait to use her techniques for changing settings during my sessions and to be able to consistently nail skin tones and exposure and also to deliver client galleries in less than 7 days!"



This course is designed to be a simple framework... not a confusing strategy that just adds more to your plate.

simple, straight-to-the-point, no-fluff video content that works.

hear what your fellow photographers have to say

"trust me that you need this course."

– destinee

'Before this course, my #1 issue is consistency. When I changed locations I was am always worried that I wouldn’t get the same "look" that I did at the last location. My #2 struggle was that I never felt like my pictures had that "pop" that gives them the WOW factor. Needless to say I was feeling inadequate!
When I delivered my first gallery after this course my client was in awe of her daughter's senior portraits. "The pictures are stunning", "I really love the pictures, you do amazing work." "Oh I'm so happy you did her pictures. They are amazing and I'm so pleased" I have never had so many compliments from one mom! This course is filled with all the pieces that I was missing to take my images to where I wanted them.  And I love how the lessons are not long and drawn out but are so packed with information and to the point! You have done it again Hope Taylor!!!

–Mary Jane

"Before the course, I couldn't get the crisp popping pictures I see all the other photographers posting. I would get frustrated seeing what I knew I could do but not understanding WHY. I had the composition I lacked the focus and sharpness of detail. Since completing the course, I have gotten amazing testimonials! I've booked 6 new sessions and I have the photos I need to FINALLY finish my website. I feel so much more confident about my skills and my camera AND I cull and edit in 1/4 of the time! Thank you Hope Taylor!"


"Before this course, I would always come home with images straight out-of-camera that I hated. I could not get my photos to look the way I wanted when I edited them. I knew a little about lighting, shooting, and editing before this course but I didn't know how to implement it. This course has given me the confidence to go into a session knowing that I will walk away with images how I want them in camera. All of the knowledge that I have learned from Hope will take my business to the next level and bring in higher paying clients! Thank you so much Hope for this amazing course you are such an amazing teacher!"


" I feel like I have a little part of my life back when I can cull an entire senior session in less then an hour!! Being a mom of a one year old, its alot of editing after bed time and this gives me a little more "me time" since i'm not staying up until 12-1 am culling/editing!"

"Hope has taught me so many things that I never realized were affecting my images! I highly highly recommend this to someone like me, someone who is trying to find consistency and a way to streamline their process and get their life back!!"

After the course, I am amazingly confident that I can go out and be able to produce in camera beautiful, consistent pictures and conquer post processing in great time to be able to deliver a beautiful, consistent gallery to my clients and over exceed their expectations!!"

real video lessons...not just voice-overs or slides

instant, lifetime access to hours of content

Continued support in an engaged online community

40 page course workbook 

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

The Hope Taylor Photography Course

1 payment of $349

Instant, lifetime access to all course content

hours of video lessons + real shoots

editing tutorials + my lightroom base preset

access to an engaged online community

Completely understand your camera in manual mode and be able to create beautiful images while in full control of your settings

Be able to walk into ANY shoot and find beautiful lighting no matter the weather or location

Understand how to capture consistent results IN CAMERA that are easier to edit - saving you HOURS of time

How to set your camera settings based on lighting, location, weather, subject and more

How to edit your images consistently and QUICKLY - creating results that clients are ultimately willing to pay more $$$ for

Have every piece of the puzzle that you need to create consistent, beautiful photos that can make you money

After enrolling in the Hope Taylor Photography Course, you will...

Enroll Now

Where My Passion for Photography Began...

I can still remember the days I sat in my high school classroom with a head full of big dreams. I was answering emails on my phone under the desk, skipping dances and pep rallies for meetings and hustling hard to make my dreams a reality. I had no idea if being a full-time business owner was even a possibility…but I knew that I was going to hustle harder than ever to make it happen. 

In the last 12+ years, I have been through so many seasons of business: seasons of doubt and insecurity, seasons of never feeling good enough, seasons of not knowing how in the world I was going to make this work and seasons where I was ready to give up. Wherever you are right now, however you are feeling, I’ve been there. I see you. And I am cheering you on every step of the way.

Through hard work and hustle and a whole lot of learning, I’ve been able to build a six-figure photography business doing what I love every day. And, even better: I have my LIFE back. I’ve implemented workflows and resources that allow me to be in control of my business, instead of my business controlling me.

With a passion for business strategy and marketing, and a heart for education, I want to provide you with the practical tools and knowledge you need to grow a successful, profitable business built in service and love.  

over 11 years ago

I'm ready to sign up!

Turning your photography hobby into a business

Mastering your camera in manual mode

Creating consistent images that you are PROUD of and excited to share

Simplifying your processes to have a better system for things like posing and client experience

Seeing real RESULTS...not just purchasing a course and never completing it

Stop wasting hours of time on YouTube and Google trying to piece it together yourself...but have a coach and community help you the entire way

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Enroll Now

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

The Hope Taylor Photography Course

1 payment of $349

Instant, lifetime access to all course content

hours of video lessons + real shoots

editing tutorials + my lightroom base preset

access to an engaged online community

Yep...we don't mess around with your money.

Nervous to make such a large course purchase? I get it, I've been there. But, I am so confident in the content of this course and it's ability to change your business and your life - that I am giving you my word: if you complete this course in it's entirety in 30 days, download all of the files and implement the education and don't see results, I will give you all of the money back. But...I'm confident that won't happen. This education is real, it works and it is exactly what I did to grow my business to where it is today. 

money back 


When does the course content begin? 

As soon as you hit "buy"! You will receive a confirmation email with your log-in information, and you can start watching the content right away. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get lifetime access? 

Absolutely! Your purchase includes lifetime access to watch (and re-watch!) the content as much as you'd like. This also means you can purchase the course now (while it's on sale) and watch it whenever you have the time...even if that's not for a little while.

Do I need any special software/programs to watch the course? 

Nope! All you need is internet access to watch the course content. Inside the course, we will talk all about the different photography programs that you'll use to implement what you learn.

Do you offer a payment plan? 

A payment plan is ONLY available when the course is on sale for a few days at a time. Because of the nature of the instant, lifetime access - we can't offer payment plans year-round. 

How does the money-back guarantee work? 

Great question! We stand by our money-back  guarantee and take it very seriously. If you complete the course and apply what you've learned, but don't see results in 30 days...we'll pay you back 100% of your investment, no questions asked.

I don’t want images that are light, bright and this course for me?

While this course is centered around shooting for a specific light, bright and bold style; all of the information can be implemented no matter what your photography style is!


students in my online courses


number of years in business




number of clients I've photographed
shoot me an email

I get it! Your hard-earned dollars should only be spent on courses that are the absolute best fit for you and your business right now. If you're unsure or on the fence, I'd be thrilled to chat with you one-on-one to help you determine if The Hope Taylor Photography Course is the right investment for you right now.

Not sure yet?