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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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Argentina Trip 2019 Recap Personal Travel


Last year, Morgan and I traveled to Greece on a whim…and this year it was Argentina. Maybe this should become an annual tradition!?!?! Haha!

At the end of 2018, Morgan was gone for a few weeks in Argentina visiting her sister and brother-in-law. She came back home for a short time before traveling to Peru (can you tell she’s my adventurous friend???) and stopped by my house between trips. She showed up with Argentine wine and chocolate and said “hi my family and I want you to come visit us in Argentina when I’m back in January please!!!” I thought she was joking and didn’t think much of it. But, sometime the next week it got brought back up…then again in December…and somehow I booked plane tickets!!! WHAT!!!

Morgan’s brother-in-law, Sebastian, manages the most incredible resort in Argentina called Las Balsas! He and Morgan’s sister, Paige, live on the absolutely stunning property and their hospitality is the reason I was able to make this trip a reality!!! I had never planned to visit Argentina until this trip (and, to be honest, didn’t know much about it!)  but I was BLOWN AWAY by it’s beauty. Morgan and I explored so many incredible parts of the country…and I don’t think you’ll even believe it’s real life when you see some of the photos!!!

I am so unbelievably thankful for this time I was able to spend with one of my absolute best friends. She is moving to Panama in just a few more weeks and I am going to miss her SO much. The memories we made in Argentina were SO special and I’m grateful for a business with flexibility that allows for spontaneous trips like this one!!! It was also my FIRST time ever flying internationally all by myself…and YALLLL it gave me a run for my money with lost luggage, delays, almost missed flights, slammed fingers in bathroom doors…you’ll read more in the post HAHA!

I’m going to do a full recap of this trip in this post so you can see what we did, where we stayed, where we ate, etc…and to keep the memories in one place for myself!! I’m so thankful to be able to document and share memories on this platform!!!

Going to give an iPhone image recap first…

My dad gave me a ride to the airport (such a sweetie!!!) but he looked a little too happy for me to be leaving, hahaha!

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It was a BEAUTIFUL flight because I flew as the sun was setting…I took so many lame pictures out the window! haha!


By the time I landed in Buenos Aires, I had been traveling for about 15 hours. I was ready for a serious shower, but brushing my teeth would have to do. Still had one more flight left!


FINALLY MADE IT TO MORGAN!!! I flew from DC > Miami > Buenos Aires > Bariloche! She picked me up after a horrible travel day. I almost missed my flight to Buenos Aires (literally ran on the flight as they were closing the doors), immediately boarded and slammed my finger in the bathroom door #nailedit. I couldn’t sleep on the flight, then landed in Buenos Aires to discover they lost my bag. WONDERFUL! I had a taxi ride to the next airport (supposed to be 40 mins, took 2.5 hours with no AC) then flew to Bariloche to this girl!!! Needless to say, I was SO THANKFUL to see her!! Hahaha!


When she picked me up, she brought me something called Fra-nui and told me it was her favorite Argentine snack. I had no idea what to expect but, YALL. This stuff is worth flying to Argentina for. I’m not joking. It’s a fresh raspberry that’s been frozen (like ice cream), dipped in white chocolate and then a later of milk chocolate. I. physically. cannot. I don’t even know how many containers we ate on this trip but I wish we had eaten 10 more.


We made it to the resort (about 40 mins from the airport) and guys…I was BLOWN. AWAY. Las Balsas is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever stayed in my entire life. The customer service, room, food, hospitality, comfort, views…I would go back again and again and again. I showered and stole some of Morgan’s clothes and got a much-needed glass of wine!!!

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This was my first meal!!! The most amazing cucumber salad and ribeye steak. To-die-for!!!


Day two!!! I felt like a NEW PERSON after a good night’s sleep, ya’ll! Seriously!!! We grabbed some drinks and headed to the infinity pool!!


We spent a lot of time poolside (which resulted in this sunburn). I was only in the sun for 10 minutes, but didn’t have my suitcase…which meant no sunscreen. I’m also on a medication that makes my skin more sensitive…so it was a recipe for disaster. YES, it hurt…haha!!! But we headed off on a sunset cruise anyway!!!


I was the color of this romper.


My bag FINALLY ARRIVED!!!! I swear this was one of the best moments of my life…hahaha!!


Day 3!!! Getting ready to head out for an adventure!!! We drove through the mountains for 2 hours each way to see San Martin de los Andes…and it was INCREDIBLE. One of my favorite days from the whole trip!!! There are lots of “professional” pics from this day below 🙂

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FINALLY a good photo together!!!

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The best driver ever!!!


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HAHAHA she posted an instagram story tagging the company that makes our favorite raspberry treat…and THEY RESPONDED!!!


We ate enough gnocchi for a small village.

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We decided to leave Las Balsas hotel and stay a couple nights in Bariloche before I flew home. It’s a bigger city closer to the airport, and we found the most incredible market!!!



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Back to the hotel in Bariloche for a pool day!!!

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Dressed up for my LAST dinner in Argentina!!! SO sad!!!


BUT, also the best meal we ate on the entire trip. Ya’ll, gnocchi stuffed with ricotta and basil, freshly made ravioli with bolognese and EMPANADAS FOREVER.


This was me the entire trip. I never stopped having a thing of Franui in my hand.


The day of my flight home…and I launched Happy Hour with Hope in the lobby!!!


We decided to eat lunch and explore the Llao Llao resort… I HAVE NEVER SEEN SOMEWHERE SO BEAUTIFUL EVER. With even more beautiful French onion soup!!


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The reality of these photos is that is was INSANELY windy and my dress blew up on more than one occasion. I left out the outtake photos on purpose.


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We did two things as the grand finale before dropping me at the airport: taking a ski lift up to see this incredible view…




One last stop on the way to the airport…


Then after my first flight and sprinting across terminals just to find a delayed flight…I REALIZED FRANUI HAD MADE IT THROUGH SECURITY AND I HAD A FEW LEFT. By some miracle the chocolate hadn’t melted yet, and I inhaled them in 5 seconds flat.


NOW FOR THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS!!! 🙂 Look at these amazing shots of the gorgeous Las Balsas hotel…

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One of my favorite parts of the hotel was that they had FRESH gluten free bread and pastries every day. INCREDIBLE. My sandwich was made on warm gluten free bread!!!


The most AMAZING room I’ve ever stayed in:


With the BEST view:

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Breakfast each morning started with a homemade yogurt parfait, warm bread and so many delicious jellies!

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Spontaneous senior session with Morgan!!! She kept yelling “IM A HOPE TAYLOR SENIOR IM A HOPE TAYLOR SENIOR” so I was dying laughing with every one of these shots HAHAH!

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The infinity pool was heated and SO beautiful!!!

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Love this girl x10000!!!!


NEVER been more thankful for a set of photos!!! We’ve never had GOOD photos taken of us together and I just love these!!!

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My mouth is watering.

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hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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