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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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High School Relationships | My Partner in Crime



I fell in love (yes, fell in love) in 9th grade and I have loved the same person ever since. It’s been three years and three months with this boy, and although it’s been far from easy, I would not have it any other way. Some may say that we’re too young to be in love, and that “relationships in high school shouldn’t be hard”. I disagree. Let me tell you why…

Although I don’t think that being in high school means we’re too young to be in love, I do think that we have a lot to learn. Not only are we trying to make things work with another person, we are growing and maturing as individuals. My first love has taught me about letting my walls down. It has taught me how to trust and what it’s like to have someone trust you. It’s taught me to appreciate what I have before it’s gone and to let someone in. It has taught me patience and how to listen. It has taught me how to see from someone else’s point of view. It has taught me that relationships aren’t like the movies. It has taught me that you have to work through some bad times in order to experience more good times. But that’s the thing…I didn’t know these things right off the bat. I LEARNED them through being in this relationship and I am still learning.

A lot of high-schoolers see relationships as something “fun”. They think that once the going gets tough, you’re supposed to just stop, because high school relationships aren’t supposed to be tough. They’re supposed to be all laughter and smiles and partying and joy. This is the problem. High schoolers don’t go into relationships wanting something that lasts, they go into relationships wanting a good time and that is not what a relationship is about. Don’t get me wrong, you should not be miserable in your relationship 100% of the time. That’s not what I’m saying. True love is something that is rare and beautiful and filled with happiness. But it’s also arguments, miscommunications, misunderstandings and bad moods. It’s putting up with someone after a 7 hour shift at work and picking them up dinner even when they’re cranky. It’s sitting by their side when everything is piling up and they can’t take it anymore. It’s kisses even with bad breath and nights where staying in and cuddling on the couch sounds better than any party. It’s faces with no makeup and sweatpants and ponytails. It’s admitting you’re wrong even though you know that you’re right, but apologizing anyway. But it’s also days spent together that go by faster than ever. It’s dancing in the rain and laughing so hard that you cry. It’s stargazing and baking cookies together. It’s knowing that you have someone by your side no matter what. It’s knowing that sticking through the bad times will bring on more good.

I think that if more teenagers understood that relationships aren’t like the movies, and they aren’t always rainbows and butterflies, there’d be a lot more relationships that last through these four years. My relationship is far from perfect…Brandon and I both know that! But there is no one else on the planet that I would rather spend my time with or have by my side. He’s my boyfriend, my best friend, my partner in crime and the love of my life.

Enjoy some photos of our crazy relationship, sorry about the sappy post 😉

View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope-and-brandon View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope-and-brandon View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope-and-brandon View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope-and-brandon View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope View More: http://thephotographysmiths.pass.us/hope

Photo Credits to The Photography Smiths…can you tell we love them!?

  1. building516 says:

    so in love with this post. I’ve been dating my high school boyfriend for 5 months now and although i know this is not very long i can say with certainty that i am so in love with him. what you said about relationships especially in high school is 110% true.

hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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