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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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A New Puppy | Personal


For months, I have been begging and begging for a puppy with no success. Last Valentine’s Day, my parents got me a golden retriever puppy, but I ended up having to give her to another family because I was unable to give her the attention that she deserved. Ever since then, I have regretted that decision tremendously and have just been waiting for the day I could get another puppy to love! Every day for the last few weeks, I had been BEGGING my mom to go to the SPCA or pet store with me, and FINALLY I convinced her last week!! She is a total softie, so I knew the second I got a puppy in her arms, she wouldn’t be able to say no (and she knew that, too) 😉 Her and I had both been trying to convince my dad for a long time that we needed a new addition to the family…but he said no each and every time we asked. So, this time…we just didn’t ask!

My mom and I both fell in LOVE with Lilly the second we got her into our arms! She is a BaShar-a Basset Hound and Sharpei mix!! My mom and I had NEVER heard of that mix before…but she is just the CUTEST little bundle of fat rolls and floppy ears! We had to leave her at the pet store and head home, but later that same day, the three musketeers and I (Stephany, Erika and Brandon) headed back to the pet store. My mom and I had talked about it…and we decided we were just going bring her home and “surprise” my dad so that he couldn’t say no! My dad LOVES puppies, so we knew that he couldn’t possibly stay mad! All of my friends fell just as much in love with her as I expected, and we headed home with her that night!! My dad was a little  (heheh) surprised initially, but he has fallen completely in love with Lilly and we just can’t get enough of her 🙂

Lilly is 3 months old and one of the SWEETEST puppies ever (seriously)!! She loves everyone, and despite our other dogs attempts to have a barking-war, Lilly just turns her head and runs continuous circles around the kitchen instead! My mom says that she is pretty much the same person as me, just in dog form! As soon as she hits my bed, she is out cold and sleeps solidly through the night snuggled up next to me! During the day, when I have to edit (like right now!) she just curls up at my feet with no complains and takes a nap! I couldn’t be more in love with her and I cannot wait to watch her grow up and be her momma!!





Ohhhh that collar!!! How stinkin’ cute is she!?


Those fat rolls!!! Ahh!


She left me for her tennis ball…



  1. Shalese says:

    Ohmygosh those droopy little eyes!! So cute!!

  2. Sophia Jablonski says:

    Awww! Congrats on your new puppy!! We adopted from an SPCA and found our little Mo Mo. He’s been such a joy! Enjoy your puppy! Can’t wait to see more photos of the cuteness 🙂

hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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Looking to grow your photography business, capture better images or streamline your workflows? My Youtube channel is the best place to find free education. Come binge-watch all the past videos, and be sure to subscribe to see new content when it goes live:


My client booking workflow with honeybook

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Most watched right now:

Totally Binge-Worthy

How To: Tips for Better Senior Portraits

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Client gallery delivery with cloudspot

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Resources + My Favorite Things

Ever wondered what programs I use in my business? My camera gear? My must-have photography products? Maybe just my favorite outfits to wear on wedding days? I've compiled a massive list of ALL my favorite things in every category! 


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