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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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It’s LAUNCH DAY!!! Personal


HopeTaylorPhotography_7582Today feels kind of like winning the Super Bowl. Or the World Cup. Or something else that’s ridiculously exciting and took months and months of hard work…because it’s LAUNCH DAY!!! The new Hope Taylor brand, website, blog, educational site and online home launch TODAY!!! AH!!! This can’t be real life. Welcome to the brand new Hope Taylor blog!

When I first discovered Jen Olmstead and her incredible design work, I fell in love with it immediately. But then, as I watched her launch brands for some of my dear friends and industry leaders, I knew that working with her was going to be added to my bucket list. After 2 long years of dreaming about a rebrand with Jen, we met for the first time at the Showit Spark Summit last summer. I nervously introduced myself and mentioned that I wanted to work together someday (ya’ll, this woman is the Justin Bieber of the design world. Basically meeting a celebrity here) and we chatted a few times on that trip. I immediately followed up on our conversation with an email about eventually wanting to work together. And, somehow, a few months later, the process began! That was almost nine months ago. And now, after so many months of hard working and big dreaming, we’re HERE! I feel like I should just be skipping around throwing confetti all day long. I might actually make that happen…we’ll see.

Not only is Jen an incredible designer, but she has become a close friend and is just AMAZING all around. She is one half of the genius behind Tonic Site Shop, a mom to the most adorable little girl, the BEST host in the whole world (she should also have her own show on Food Network in her beautifully designed kitchen. So, maybe a show on HGTV, too?) and such a sweet friend. Working with her was an absolute dream and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything she has done to make my dreams come to life. She has taken everything that I love about my job, about teaching and about my personality to create an incredible site and brand that I could not be more proud of. Thank you, Jen.

I also want to say a HUGE thank you to the incredible men and women behind Showit 5. I have used Showit as my website platform from the very beginning, and now that they have released the brand new Showit 5, it has completely blown me away. Thank you all for your unwavering love and support throughout the entire process-I am so excited and so blessed to work with all of you and have my site built within Showit 5!

Also, one last quick and cheesy thank you to my sweet parents and to Drew for all of their love and support over the last few months of hard work. Thank you for cheering me on, providing Chickfila on work days that seemed like they weren’t going to end and for loving me even when stress made me hard to love-I wouldn’t be able to do anything that I do without you three.

Also, thank you so, so much for those of you that read the blog. Thank you for supporting me, encouraging me and making it possible to follow my dreams. Go ahead and start exploring the new brand, website, blog and educational site-I can’t wait to hear what you think!!! XOXOXO!!

  1. Kara Hogue says:

    Your new site is beautiful, Hope! Your dedication and hard work are definitely shining and paying off!

  2. Tori says:

    This is so exciting and I’ve been anxiously waiting to be a rising senior in hopes to get my portraits done by you. Congratulations on such an amazing mile stone!

  3. Ann Murray says:

    You are an amazing inspiration to all young women! The relaunching and new website are FABULOUS! We are so proud of you and honored that you did Taylor’s senior pics!

  4. Kirsty says:

    Congrats on the new launch! Love your new logo!

hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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Looking to grow your photography business, capture better images or streamline your workflows? My Youtube channel is the best place to find free education. Come binge-watch all the past videos, and be sure to subscribe to see new content when it goes live:


My client booking workflow with honeybook

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Most watched right now:

Totally Binge-Worthy

How To: Tips for Better Senior Portraits

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Client gallery delivery with cloudspot

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Resources + My Favorite Things

Ever wondered what programs I use in my business? My camera gear? My must-have photography products? Maybe just my favorite outfits to wear on wedding days? I've compiled a massive list of ALL my favorite things in every category! 


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