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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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Charleston-Bound Part 2: House Hunting! Personal


Okay, I can’t start off every single one of the posts in this series by telling you I’m excited….BUT I FREAKIN AM. I have been back and forth to Charleston so many times now, but I haven’t posted the pictures from the trips. I’ve literally been holding the pictures in this post hostage since MARCH (!!!) and now I’m getting to actually share them. And I didn’t even know if the day would ever come that I could!!!

If you didn’t read LAST WEEK’S POST, you are going to want to start there before you read today’s. I’m going to be doing this series in chronological order, so you’ll want to read them that way or some parts may not make sense!!

If you did read last week’s, you saw that this trip to house hunt in Mt. Pleasant was supposed to be “just to look”. My family’s home in VA wasn’t even on the market yet, and we were going to see the area, tour a few houses and just get away for a bit as a family (but my brother was in school, so he was the only one who couldn’t join). Needless to say, even though my parents were telling us over and over not to get too excited…we were SO FAR PAST THAT. The idea of moving here was exciting in itself…but actually GOING TO SEE HOUSES?! My sister and I were basically bouncing off the walls HAHA!

We planned this trip really quickly, like a week before we left, and packed everything up at the end of March. Yep, THIS WAS ALL THE WAY BACK IN MARCH. I need to stop using so many caps. Sorry.

Okay, so we packed up and headed South for a mini vacay and some home tours. On day one, we saw all of the houses – 8 to be exact! We loved so many of them,  but there was one that truly stood out to all of us. Unfortunately, it was out of price range, but we went to see it a second time anyway 🙂 We also ate at so many amazing restaurants, explored the different towns, ate (and drank) at Shem Creek and just overall had the greatest time.

When we got back from this trip, there was a few days of waiting before a decision was officially made. We tried to put an offer in on the house we fell in love with, but the offer was too low and the owner wouldn’t accept the contingency of our house selling because it wasn’t even listed yet (which was totally fair). That was pretty much the kick in the butt that my parent’s needed because, within a week, a realtor was at our house!!! It was official…we were going to try to move down South!!! I took photos of the house for my parents and we had it listed within a few weeks. GAAAHHHHH!

The following weeks were the hardest and most discouraging weeks we had experienced as a family in a super long time. We all expected our house here in VA to sell super quickly because it’s a very updated house in a not-so-updated neighborhood, my mom had it decorated beautifully, the price was amazing and our property is beautiful. But, little did we know…there were over 50 houses for sale in our neighborhood at the same time. I’m going to share more about that part of the process next week!!!

For now, here are all of the iPhone pics I’ve been keeping hostage sine March!!! All packed up and READY. TO. GO!!!2019-07-15_0001

Arrived at the hotel!!! We were all just so excited and joyful.

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We stayed at The Beach Club for the first time and absolutely LOVED it!!


Dinner on Sullivan’s Island for the first night!!!


Day two!!! Time to see some houses!!!


We toured SO MANY gorgeous homes!!! And took pics at each one!! I purposefully didn’t include many because I’m keeping that part a surprise 😉


Post-home-tour lunch!!! So much celebration and so much to talk about!!


Drinks that night with lifelong friends!!! We have so many family friends that are in the Charleston area because we lived there growing up. It was so special to see them!!!


Also, quality Moscow Mules.


Clearly living my best life and happy as a clam.

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This brunch was AMAZZINGGG.

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On the last day we decided to tour our favorite house one more time…just because we completely fell in love with it. I won’t share any other pics besides this one…BUT LET’S TALK ABOUT THAT DETAIL OK.


Headed to Shem Creek!!


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I love the above selfie with my dad SO MUCH. It was taken at the house we are now moving into (Lord willing!!!) in two weeks…and you can see the joy all over both of our faces!!! The pic below was taken at our new house, too…but that’s all ya get for now 😉

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Here is the unedited, very sunburnt selfie I sent my family as soon as I got the text that the house was officially listed HAHAHA! I was back in Charleston for a girl’s trip that week!!


Momma Taylor and I celebrating with sangria while the house was showing!!!


If you enjoyed this post, you may also love:

Charleston-Bound Part 1: Why Charleston? 

Southern Wedding at Middleton Plantation 

A Nautical Cruise Wedding out of Charleston, SC


hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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