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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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June 2020 Mastermind Retreat Recap For Photographers

For Photographers

I don’t even know where to begin with this post!!! If you aren’t familiar with my mastermind program, let’s start there. Halfway through 2019, I knew that I wanted to incorporate a new type of education into my business for the year of 2020. I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to look like, and spent MONTHS brainstorming on what this new offering could be…and the MASTERMIND was born!!! It is a 6-month coaching program for small business owners who are looking to scale their businesses into things like passive income, education, email marketing, launching a course or online store, etc. I opened up applications hoping for 10 businesses to join…and it FILLED UP. I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY and still can’t quite believe all of these incredible people have been with me for 6 MONTHS now!!! The mastermind members have bi-weekly virtual calls with me, unlimited access to me over email and Voxer, one-on-one coaching calls, access to an online community and so much more. Plus, they get to come to Charleston for an in-person retreat as the grand finale…and that retreat was last week!!!

The purpose of this retreat is, first and foremost, to have a BREAK and spend quality time together. I wanted it to be fun, relaxing and a true vacation for all of the incredible women who were traveling into town. We stayed together in the most AMAZINGGGG house downtown Charleston, shared delicious meals, learned content about course launches, had intentional implementation time for each individual’s current projects and more. It was a DREAM!!! So many incredible memories were made on this retreat and I still can’t believe the 6 months with this group is almost over. I don’t know what I’m going to do without talking to them all the time!!! Before we get into the pretty pictures and a full recap, I have a few thank you’s in order:

To Stephanie, Michelle, Leslie, Rebecca, Courtney, Caitlin, Luke, Rachel, Michelle (#2!), Cindy and Mary: THANK YOU for entrusting me with your mastermind investment and 6 months of your time. I am so honored. Coming alongside all of you for the first half of this year has been one of the biggest privileges of my entire career and I cannot even BEGIN to say how proud I am of every single one of you. I truly, truly just love you all SO much! (Caitlin, Luke and Mary: we missed you at this in-person retreat, but we know you were there in spirit!!!)

My sweet momma: We were thrown some curveballs as we finalized details for this event (that included having to make a completely homemade welcome dinner from scratch!) and you helped me to pull it off effortlessly. Thank you for running errands with me, dealing with my hangry attitudes and cooking the most DELICIOUS meal we could have ever asked for on the first night!

Melissa at The Blue Root:  Thank you so, so much for putting together the most jaw-dropping breakfast spread for my attendees. I truly still cannot believe the amount of work and detail that went into making this spread so stunning and DELICIOUS – but I was absolutely blown away when your sweet husband delivered it. It meant the absolute world to each and every one of us (PS: for everyone reading, you HAVE to try her breads!!! They are to-die-for!!!)

Laura & Rachel: Where do I even start!? You two ladies showed up for me in a HUGE way by coming to help me photograph and run the logistics of this retreat. You have NO IDEA how much it meant to me. You even showed up with a Strawberry refresher in hand (without even having to ask my order!!!) and captured memories I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Okay, time for all of the PRETTY things and amazing memories that unfolded last week!!! Ya’ll, this house was AMAZINGGGG! It is owned by YourPad Charleston and we rented through Airbnb. It’s called the Boho Rosa House and it even has it’s own Instagram!!!

Like…what!?!? The main room was amazing but look at these BEDROOMS! The attention to detail was insane and the host was so accommodating and helpful. Can’t recommend it enough!!!

We welcomed attendees with some sweet gifts and yummy snacks!!

We had an amazing meal at home on night one (including some delicious Jeni’s ice cream!) and had an early night before a FULL day on day two! We kicked things off with breakfast from The Blue Root:

Like, WHAT!? Look at this deliciousness!!!!

Laura and Rachel brought me a refresher that made my ENTIRE day!!! I seriously have an addiction, ya’ll!! Also, can we just talk about this Rainbow Row dress from The Tiny Tassel!?!?! I DIE!!!

Breakfast time! I make the CUTEST talking faces on camera 😂

Time for content! We spent two hours talking all about the process of creating an online course and how to be a GOOD teacher with quality content. We were even able to video call in the attendees who couldn’t be here in person!

The aesthetics of this house…I just can’t.

LOVE these ladies!!! And, again: we missed you SO much Caitlin, Luke and Mary!!!

We headed to Felix for lunch (my FAVE spot!!!) before heading to Rainbow Row for head shots!!!

This group pic just makes my heart SO happy!!!

The cutest group EVER!!!

Back to the house for implementation time before our last big dinner together at 82 Queen! If you want to see more of a recap including some iPhone pics, head to my Instagram stories!

If you’d like to learn more + be added to the waitlist for future mastermind programs, you can head HERE! The next group for July-Dec is already full.

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hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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