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Hope Taylor is a photographer specializing in senior portraits serving both Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.


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March 2019 Workshop Recap Hope Taylor Workshops

For Photographers

Normally I host 3-4 workshops each year, but I only hosted one in 2018. At this point I’ve mentioned it a few times, but I was really sick throughout last year and was in the hospital right before teaching that workshop. I knew I had to take a break and get my health back on track…but it was SO hard to not teach workshops. Small, intimate, in-person education is something that is SO special to me and that I’ve always loved…so it was truly a challenge to not open up any other workshops last year!!!

But, for 2019, I knew I wanted to re-launch a workshop…and I wanted it to be different. I wanted to re-vamp all of the content, restructure the entire timeline and host them in my HOME for the first time ever!! So that is exactly what I did!!! This workshop sold out in a matter of a few days and I have been counting down the days ever since. There is SO much work that goes into these two-day events (especially when you are re-doing 600+ slides of content!!!) but they are SO worth it. I walk away from every workshop with a full heart and a dozen new photography friends 🙂

This workshop was obviously special because it was my first one in a year and it was in my home…but it was also special because of the season of life I’m in right now. In addition to teaching all about the normal things (shooting, lighting, editing, posing, workflows, business, marketing, etc.)…I was able to talk about mental health and self care and work-life balance. I was able to equip these photographers with businesses that can help them make more money and serve people well…but also create LIFE-GIVING workflows and boundaries. We had so many good, important conversations and it truly meant so much to me!

We kicked off the workshop on Friday evening with a meet & greet at Monkee’s of Fredericksburg!!! We went after-hours, had the entire store to ourselves and shopped with champagne in hand. It was SO much fun!!! Attendees traveled in from all over the country (braving FEET of snow to get here!!!) and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend!

Then, we spent two whole days (and 22 hours of learning!!!) in my cozy living room. Day one we covered everything related to photography: shooting, camera settings, posing, lighting, wedding day breakdown, detail styling and more. Then, we headed out for an INCREDIBLE spring-inspired styled shoot at Stevenson Ridge (more on that later this week!) where we spent 4 hours practicing everything we learned! With a bride/groom AND senior models, attendees are able to practice #allthethings and spent time photographing each piece in stations with a small group of attendees. Afterwards, we headed back for a home made Italian dinner (thank you, momma Taylor!!!) to chat all about editing, post-processing, backing up images and more. We ended night one with full notebooks and tired eyes – ready for a good night’s sleep before day two!

Day two was a long one because it was BUSINESS day!!! This is the day we cover everything about the backend of my business: client experience from start to finish, marketing, social media, blogging, branding, website, outsourcing, time management, spokesmodel programs, vendor relationships and more. Plus, the attendees get brand new head shots and some delicious meals in between it all!! It was a BLAST and we ended the day with some teary-eyed goodbyes…the WORST part of the entire experience!

Each and every one of these attendees made me so proud. They are incredible, hard working, big dreamers and I feel so lucky I had the opportunity to teach them.

I have a few HUGE thank you’s in order:

Josh, Erika & Natalie: Thank you for helping me make this workshop happen! I truly don’t know what I would do without you prepping food, taking behind-the-scenes pics, making me tea so my throat doesn’t give out and helping me fix broken earrings – haha!! I truly don’t know what I did to deserve friendships like these.

Mom & Dad: Thank you for running all the errands and making all the meals to make my life easier and serve these attendees so well. We would all go hungry without you!!!

To the vendors who loved on all of us: Cloudspot, Honeybook, Tonic Site Shop, Twila & Co, Just Bee Cookies, Monkee’s of Fredericksburg, Fotostrap and Showit: thank YOU for being a huge part of my business and being willing to contribute for myself and these attendees. We are so grateful!

Okay, now for the fun part: the PHOTOS!!!! Sharing all of the BTS pics thanks to Josh & Erika…plus some attendees posts that I stole from the #hopetaylorworkshop hashtag on insta!

By the way, if you’ve been hoping to attend a future workshop…a little birdie told me seats just went live for August and the early bird rate only lasts through Friday!!! 😉

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Meet & greet ladies!!! Not everyone was able to make it for this first night…but I already knew I just loved this group!!!


Kicking things off with these amazing gift boxes!!! Can we talk about the cookies by Just Bee Custom Cookies!?

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Obviously we all needed the perfect photo before we could pick up any of the boxes…

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Okay, time to get started!!!


Detail styling!!!

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Styled shoot time!!! Cannot WAIT to share more of these images soon…

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That’s a wrap!!!


Head shots from day two…just look at all of these beautiful ladies!!!

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Talking all things business…

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The best workshop attendees around <3


And now for some iPhone peeks!!!

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The best team of friends anyone could ever ask for…


More on Thursday of the styled shoot!!! AH!!!

If you enjoyed this post, you may also love:

Episode #2: My Client Booking Workflow 

February 2018 Workshop Recap 

May 2017 Workshop Recap

  1. Ruby says:

    How exciting! I’m so glad you decided to offer another workshop. Keeping my fingers crossed to being able to make it!

hi, y'all!

I'm Hope Taylor, an international Senior Portrait and Wedding Photographer based in Charleston, SC. I'm also an educator, international speaker, and the host of multiple sold-out workshops each year!



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Looking to grow your photography business, capture better images or streamline your workflows? My Youtube channel is the best place to find free education. Come binge-watch all the past videos, and be sure to subscribe to see new content when it goes live:


My client booking workflow with honeybook

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Most watched right now:

Totally Binge-Worthy

How To: Tips for Better Senior Portraits

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Client gallery delivery with cloudspot

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Resources + My Favorite Things

Ever wondered what programs I use in my business? My camera gear? My must-have photography products? Maybe just my favorite outfits to wear on wedding days? I've compiled a massive list of ALL my favorite things in every category! 


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